

pends irresponsibly. You are someone who needs to acknowledge that you need, toywant, and deserve more income.   Instead of being frozen in guilt, start to take action on creating more income. You may not need to do something radical – you may just need to ramp up what you are already doing, or look for hidden treasure already in your life.   Put together a proposal for your boss, to describe how the toycompany would be better if you got a raise. Create a new information product to generate passive income for your business. Search your basement for items you can toyauction on e-bay. Teach a class on scrapbooking, or changing the oil in your car. Have a garage sale to generate some quick cash, and reduce the clutter in your life.   toyWhatever you do, the important idea is to start today.   Action Step #2: Brainstorm 5 ways you will earn more income now – such as – ask foI certainly hope that the tips are useful for you.  Tim Ng, Avid Photographer, MSci (Education), toyPhotographer for important functions.Head of Audio Media (1998 – 2002 East View Primary School)Written in plain English instead of “techno speak” this guide will help you sharpen up your talent and improve your overall results as an amateur photographer. Or, if you are considering the possibility of expanding your hobby into a money making enterprise, you will definitely find the answers to your questions in the chapter on “How to start a photography business.” The purpose of our guide is to toygive you an over view of photography as well as provide you with information about the different types of equipment used in amateur photography. Author a raise, look for a new job, start a small business, sell a new product, auction old items on e-bay, rent out a room, teach a skill, or have toya garage sale.   Step Three: Planning for the Big Stuff   This step is about the debts that sneak up on us. You may be able to pay for your bills and regular expenses each month — but what happens if the car breaks down? The property tax bill arrives? Your quarterly’s are due? Christmas? Baby announcement? Wedding invite? The family or high school reunion? The big family vacation you all deserve?  Are you able to pay for those non-monthly expenses out of your paycheck or your small business profits? Or, do those items go on a credit card?   Automobile repair, gifts, taxes, and travel are all examples of expenses that are non-monthly, but are expected. We know they are coming, but not necessarily when, or how much. These expenses should not be going on a credit card – you should save for them ahead of time, so you do not pay a bank 10-20+% a year for the privilege of paying for your expenses after-the-fact.  Go through your bills, receipts, and cards for the last year, or the last few years, and figure out how much you spend on each of these categories each year, on average. If you don’t have those records, make a realistic estimate. Divide that annual amount by 12. That’s how much you should set aside each month for your irregular expenses.   Action Step #3: Open a special savings account for at least one non-regular expense: either auto repairs, taxes, travel, or gifts. Save a fixed amount each month in that savings account, so when bills are due, you already have the money!   Step Four: Plug The Holes   Step four is about how to prevent your toyfamily from going into debt, by planning for your expenses ahead of time. This step we come to the most insidious problem, and the most difficult to conquer – overspending.   Do you know where your money goes each month? How much are all of your bills? How much are you spending on Dining Out? Drinks Out? Gas? Target toy& Costco? Clothes? Personal care (i.e., massage, pedicures)? Recreation – movies, golf, Netflix? Toys (both for the kids, and for yourselves)? Do you really know?   Do you spend your money in accordance to your values and priorities? Is there one, or more areas, where you are spending money not because you particularly need, or even enjoy, that product or service – but because you are not paying attention, or toybecause you are compensating for another problem in your life by habitually spending money in that area?  Commonly, we see this in clothes, toys for kids, recreation, high-tech gadgets, and dining out – easy for relatively small expenditures, toymade each day or week, to add up to hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each month. Spending without thinking will derail you from ever being able to achieve your most important life goals. Especially if you are spending more than your income, month after month.   Instead of being frozen in guilt, do something about it. Look toyover your habits for the last few months, and pick the most obvious problem area, where you “go” when you are stressed, bored, or unhappy. Do you buy CDs? Shop online? Get a new pair of shoes? Start in one category, and create good habits and rules for yourself in that area – then carry those personal rules over to the rest of your expenses.   Action Step #4: Create a Cash-Only account for your problem category. Withdraw your budgeted monthly amount in cashi




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