Every summer is coming eternity ring

Every summer is coming eternity ring

Every summer is coming eternity ring, there are always many children who have started the holiday with the pre-study – young, small, early, rising, and a seemingly unjoined connection eternity ring. Should children be allowed to play freely or go to a training class? Many parents are confused. You can’t take time off, the noon time is cancelled at noon, the study arrangement is more compact, and there are specific things to do at each specific time eternity ring. Children who are just in the first grade have a weaker ability to accept and are difficult to adapt to school life. She suggested that parents should exercise their children’s will quality during the holidays and let them know some rules of the school early. Second eternity ring, train children to look at their own shortcomings correctly eternity ring. She is a little nervous, she is about to enter a new school, meet new students, and learn different subjects. Therefore, this summer she will pre-read the teaching materials at home. “Primary school is mainly Chinese, mathematics and English eternity ring. There are more subjects in junior high school. If time can go backwards, I will definitely make some study plans in the summer vacation, so that I can adapt to the high school as soon as possible, and I will not experience some unnecessary. Psychological gap. Further study the knowledge of junior high school, such as the decomposition factor of the quadratic formula, the cubic and cubic difference formula, the complete square and cubic formula, the image property of the quadratic function, the root equation of the quadratic equation, Wei Dae theorem (the relationship between root and coefficient), etc. Take the first volume of chemistry textbook preparation, at least complete the first two chapters, do a post-class exercises, and initially experience the content of high school, textbook presentation and learning style. Review the four books of junior high school geography Once again, combing the knowledge framework, because junior high school geography is an important part of the college entrance examination content, but also the basis for learning high school geography; then buy a map of China and the world political district. Yesterday, the reporter interviewed a number of well-known teachers in primary and secondary schools, sorted out A summer guide for the connection period. What is the son’s naughty? 34-year-old single mother, Ms. Jiang, lives in Longxi Town, Yubei District. I am very worried about my son Lele. I will enter Longxi Primary School in Yubei District next semester. Now I am playing mobile phones and watching cartoons in my grandparents’ home every day. First of all, let the children develop good habits and habits, in addition to let the children take up the young children. Also adjust the child’s schedule, adjust to get up at 7 o’clock every day, go to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening, properly shorten the nap time, including the habit of doing homework and playing after going home; calm down to do homework and concentrate on homework habits. Don’t eat for a while, watch TV for a while, do other things for a while. Also, develop the habit of children to complete their homework independently.





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