linux backup
use the online redo logs in the target are not backed up and cannot be applied to the linux backupduplicate database. The farthest that RMAN can go in recovery of the duplicate database is the most recent redo log archived by the target database. RMAN DUPLICATE DATABASE: Options When duplicating a database, you have the following options: You can run the DUPLICATE command with or without a recovery linux backupcatalog. You can skip read-only tablespaces with the SKIP READONLY clause. Read-only tablespaces are included by default. If you omit them, then you can linux backupadd them later. You can exclude tablespaces from the duplicate database with the SKIP TABLESPACE clause. You can exclude any tablespace except the SYSTEM tablespace or tablespaces containing rollback or undo segments. You can create the duplicate database in a new host. If the directory structure is the same on the new linux backuphost, then you can specify the NOFILENAMECHECK option and reuse the target datafile filenames for the duplicate datafiles. You can duplicate a target linux backupdatabase stored on a traditional file system to an ASM or Oracle Managed Files location. By default, the DUPLICATE command creates the duplicate database from the most recent backups of the target database and then performs recovery to linux backupthe most recent consistent point contained in the archived redo logs. You can duplicate a database as it stood at a past point in time in the current incarnation, by using a RUN block with a SET UNTIL command, or by including an UNTIL clause with the DUPLICATE command to cause RMAN to recover the duplicate database to a past point in time within the current incarnation. (You cannot, however, use DUPLICATE with a point in time in an earlier incarnation.) You can register the duplicate database in the same recovery catalog as the target database. This option is possible because RMAN gives the duplicate database a new, unique DBID during duplication. In some cases, you can set the duplicate database DB_NAME differently from the target database DB_NAME. More specifically, if the duplicate database exists in the same Oracle home as the target, then the DB_NAME initialization parameter must be different. If the duplicate database is in a different Oracle home from the target database, then the DB_NAME setting for the duplicate database must be unique among databases in its Oracle home. This is true whether or not the duplicate database is on the same host as the target.For more details on RMAN Duplicate you can view on ORACLE DBA SUPPORT Author’s Resource Boxhttp:// is a blog site ofSagar Patil, an independent oracle consultantwith a great understanding of how the Oracledatabase engine & Oracle Applications worktogether.Creating A Team Author : Lily Morgan Submitted : 2009-01-08 23:43:49Word Count : 719Popularity: 44 Tags: building a team Author RSS Feed Teams come in all shapes and all sizes from a two member couple racing against time and the environment in ‘The Amazing Race’ to crowds cheering slogans and admiring the skills of the soccer teams of Real Madrid and Manchester United. History is witness to the success and failure of teams with the clich?d yet true adage that ‘United we stand and divided we fall’. For people torn between national, religious, cultural and ethnic sentiments, the team concept has percolated down to all aspects of our society.Certain intrinsic linux backupcharacteristics and motivations drive teams in all fields of life towards achieving their dreams, both at the group level and on a personal front. The same way a diamond is graded according to its 4Cs, teams are built towards success on certain ground rule ‘C’ principles. Team tted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the trusting domain. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the / parameter. linux backupUse * to be prompted for the password.Verifies the secure channel secrets upon which a specific trust is based.Resets the trust secret between trusted domains or between the domain controller aformation is governed by a set of people who adhere to fixed rules, which can be categorized as a Charter. It is the binding force forming the do s and don’ts of participation. Clear expectations from the leader of the team, or the team itself, need to be determined at the very beginning, so that the operating principles are clearly defined. The reason for the team to be functional could range within any known bounds of rationality.There are people of different skill sets, talents and